Get well soon flowers
Get well soon flowers
Showing all 24 results
Ariana red
KSh 4,500.00 -
KSh 6,500.00 -
Blooming memory
KSh 3,000.00 -
KSh 6,500.00 -
Fairy tale
KSh 6,500.00 -
Forever now
KSh 4,250.00 -
Honey bunch
KSh 3,450.00 -
Hot pink
KSh 3,000.00 -
Infinite fortune
KSh 5,700.00 -
Joyous shades
KSh 6,500.00 -
KSh 6,500.00 -
KSh 2,500.00 -
Love hart box
KSh 5,500.00 -
KSh 3,000.00 -
Motherly Love
KSh 5,650.00 -
KSh 2,600.00 -
Princess Basket
KSh 6,500.00 -
Sweet pea
KSh 3,500.00 -
Sweet touch
KSh 6,500.00 -
Sweet vibes
KSh 4,500.00 -
Together forever
KSh 8,500.00 -
Tropical Mixed Flowers
KSh 2,700.00 -
Vitamin Mania Fruit Basket
KSh 4,500.00 -
Warm affection
KSh 8,500.00
Fresh Flowers
Our flowers are freshly soured locally.
Quick Delivery
Just in time, for that special moment!
Budget Friendly
You don't need to break the bank to express yourself. We got you!